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Crashes are a leading cause of fetal death, accounting for 82% of cases. Over 370 unborn babies die each year in the U.S. due to crashes. BumpBelt reduces risk of lost pregnancies by 82% by redirecting seatbelt pressure away from your bump.
Pregnant women involved in car crashes have a 200% higher chance of experiencing preterm labor, placental abruption, or premature rupture of membranes. BumpBelt will give you peace of mind knowing your child is safe.
“This belt saved the life of my unborn child two days ago. someone ran a red light while speeding and smashed into me I am 19 weeks pregnant. The impact was so hard that the Bumpbelt snapped in 2, but with all of the damage to my legs my doctor said I likely would have lost my baby if it weren’t for this amazing device. The BumpBelt saved my baby boy. Every pregnant woman needs a BumpBelt”
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